Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blog Assignment

Hello bloggers!

 For my Educational Technology class we were asked to look around for some educatonal blogs that you can use as a classroom teacher. Well even though This is an assignment and I am required to do this for my grade.. I an really glad I did. I had no idea that these blogs even existed and I want to share a few I found.

The first one is Oak Ridge Elementary 4th grade: This blog gives you a chance to follow what the class is doing and gives you provides links to different activities you can do with your class. Another blog is Broken Airplane: I loved this one because in one of the post is says that new technology and old teaching methods do not improve test scores. You also have to "update" your way of teaching. It also gives you a list of resources you can go check out and a blogroll that you can use to find other similar blogs. It talks alot about technology in the classroom. My favorite one I checked out is Mrs. Cassidy's Classroom: I loved this one because the teacher gives you real life experience of the teaching world. She posts videos of her class and activities she has done with them, for example, hatching eggs. I also like how she gives her class a chance to skype with a classroom clear across the world and tell eachother what they learned.

The two blogs I am currently subscribed to via RSS are Learning is Messy;, and New Zealand class:

So if you are an aspiring teacher, such as myself, check out some educational blogs or start one for yourself. They are a great way to keep parents updated and I know the kids will have fun looking back at what they did and maybe seeing videos of themselves.

Thanks for Reading!!